Brucella RB51 is a live modified vaccine, obtained from a rough phase mutant of the virulent strain B. abortus 2308. The RB51 strain lacks the side chain O of the LPS thus RB51 vaccinated and non-infected animals do not react to official serological tests (RBT and CFT). This supports the use of the vaccine for a DIVA strategy. RB51 vaccine has been shown to be safe and effective in cattle and bison. Its use in water buffalo has been proposed using a different vaccination protocol but knowledge of long term effects of RB51 vaccination in this species remain incomplete. Aim of the study was to evaluate the kinetics of RB51- antibodies in water buffaloes vaccinated according to the protocol described for the bovine species in the WOAH Manual, modified with the use of a triple dose. Thirty buffaloes 5-9 months old were vaccinated with the commercial vaccine RB51 (CZ Veterinaria, Spain) using a triple dose. Six buffaloes were included as controls. A boostervaccination was administered at 12 month of age. When turning 19-21 months, female animals (both vaccinated and controls) were induced to pregnancy. Blood samples were collected all along the trial, covering vaccination, pregnancy and lactation time. RB51 - specific antibodies were detected and quantified using a specific CFT based on RB51 antigen. All vaccinated animals showed a positive serological reaction following each vaccine injection, but titres and duration of the humoral response differed among animals. For 259 days after booster vaccination, comparison of CFT values between vaccinated and control groups remained significant, despite some of the vaccinated animals turned seronegative. Subsequently, a decrease of antibody titres was recorded with a fluctuating trend observed in several animals, alternating periods of negativity with periods of CFT positivity with titres close to the test cut-off (1:4 serum dilution). Positive animals were still recorded after 2,5 years post vaccination. No relevant changes in antibody titres were recorded during pregnancy or lactation. In conclusion, with the vaccination schedule applied, CFT-RB51 clearly discriminates between vaccinated and unvaccinated controls up to 8 months after the booster. Afterwards, results interpretation becomes less clear-cut considering CFT-RB51 only.References
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Tittarelli M, Atzeni M, Calistri P, Di Giannatale E, Ferri N, Marchi E, Martucciello A, De Massis F. (2015). A diagnostic protocol to identify water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) vaccinated with Brucella abortus strain RB51 vaccine. Vet Ital. 51(2):99-105.