Recently the National Animal Disease Control Program in India targeted a massive Brucella vaccination program. In the state of West Bengal about 6000 Veterinary healthcare assistants participated in the program in the month of September, 2021. Among them more than 400 Veterinary healthcare assistants developed symptoms and signs suggestive of brucellosis. Laboratory tests based on STAT, RBT, and ELISA indicated 13% confirmed Brucellosis cases. However, there were also many asymptomatic cases which were not tested. Most of them stated history of needle prick injury during the vaccination program, which was mainly due to disturbed animals. Manifestations started after about a month of the prick injury. Few of them also complained regarding their improper training and supply of proper personal protective equipments. All of them treated in referral hospitals and a standard protocol of Government Health Department was followed. During follow up, it was found that some of them showed gross psychiatric problems. Thus proper training of the Veterinary healthcare assistants is necessary and care should be taken during vaccination of animals. A prophylactic treatment in healthcare assistants with needle prick injuries should be given, and supply of personal protective equipments should be monitored.
##plugins.generic.jatsParser.article.fulltext.availableLocale## English.