GeoVet 2023 International Conference
GeoVet 2023 International Conference
GeoVet 2023 International Conference

From Science to Policy: GIS and One Health integration

Marius Gilbert
K01 The challenges of real-time science communication and decision support in a pandemic context: building the plane instruments after take-off
Olaf Berke
S01 Communication Breakdown – Of disease clusters, a trillium and One Health
Jamie Tratalos, Guy McGrath, Jamie Madden, Simon More
R01.1 The use of spatial metrics to select regions for enhanced bovine tuberculosis control measures in Ireland
Maria Fernanda Vincenti Gonzalez, Marie-Cécile Dupas, Jean Artois, Madhur Dhingra, Simon Dellicour, Marius Gilbert
R01.2 Poultry intensification and emergence of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza
Beatriz Martínez-López, Maria Jose Clavijo, Rebecca Robbins, Carlos Gonzalez-Crespo, Jose Pablo Gomez, Ruwini Rupasinghe, Xin Liu
R01.3 Precision epidemiology in practice: applications to better prevent and control endemic diseases in the US swine industry
Bahdja Boudoua, Manon Richard, Mathieu Roche, Maguelonne Teisseire, Annelise Tran
R01.4 How to combine spatio-temporal information and Danger theory for animal disease surveillance?

Exploring novel data sources and operational tools

Nicola G. Criscuolo, Yu Wang, Thomas P. Van Boeckel
S02 Mapping global coldspots of veterinary capacity
Mark Stevenson, Ravi Dissanayake, Viviana Gonzalez-Astudillo, Rachel Allavena, Joerg Henning
R02.1 Anthropogenic and environmental factors associated with koala deaths occurring through vehicle collisions and dog attacks in South East Queensland, Australia
Angela Fanelli, Johannes Christof Schnitzler, Marco De Nardi , Alastir Donachie, Ilaria Capua, Gianvito Lanave, Domenico Buonavoglia, Paula Caceres-Soto, Paolo Tizzani
R02.2 Epidemic intelligence data and disease risk mapping: the case of Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF)
Andrew Fox, Mary Jane McCool, Michelle Reynolds, Christopher Kizer, Susan Maroney, David South
R02.3 Geospatial Methods for Reporting During the United States 2022-2023 Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) Outbreak and Ongoing Emergency Response Preparedness
Giulia Morosetti, Marion Tartarotti, Lorenza Brandalise, Francesco Ceresa, Klaus Martin Thaler, Christian Piffer
P02.1 Geospatial Data to Support Veterinary Avian Flu Surveillance in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (Italy)
Stuart Mckay, Andrew Mitchell, William Wint, Nigel Tait
P02.2 The development and impact of an online bovine TB system for GB - information bovine TB (ibTB)
Sabrina Battisti, Paola Scaramozzino, Lucy Nicole Papa Caminiti, Andrea Carvelli
P02.3 Being prepared for an avian influenza epidemic with a One Health approach: a cartographic study in Lazio Region to identify animal carcasses burial sites
Federica Di Giacinto, Federica Conti, Giuseppina Mascilongo, Valentina Colaiuda, Barbara Tomassetti, Annalina Lombardi, Fabrizio Capoccioni, Domitilla Pulcini, Gabriella Di Francesco, Ludovica Di Renzo, Chiara Profico, Thomas Moranduzzo, Carla Ippoliti, Carla Giansante, Nicola Ferri
P02.4 An early warning system for mussel aquaculture adapting to climate changes
Susanna Tora, Alessio Di Lorenzo, Lara Savini, Elio Malizia, Claudio Marro, Gianluca Ragone, Stefania Cavallo, Annamaria Conte, Giacomo Migliorati
P02.5 The "Land of Fires" Platform for emergency management, data sharing and dissemination
Ludovica Di Renzo, Alessio Di Lorenzo, Claudia Borgatti, William Di Nardo, Sergio Guccione, Chiara Profico, Daniela Celeste Profico, Vincenzo Olivieri
P02.6 The role of GeoCetus Geographic Information System in monitoring the impact of fishing on cetaceans and sea turtles along the Abruzzo and Molise coasts over three years (2020-2022)
Claudia Pittiglio, Fredrick Kivaria, Karl Morteo, Charles Bebay, Baba Soumare, Madhur Dhingra
P02.7 Real-time monitoring and forecasting of Rift Valley fever in Africa to drive preparedness and anticipatory actions
Jamie Madden, Guy McGrath, James Sweeney, Gerard Murray, Jamie Tratalos, Simon More
P02.8 Early warning of bovine tuberculosis for veterinarians using spatio-temporal models
Maria Luisa Danzetta, Antonio Barsanti , Gina Biasini , Raffaele Bove , Paolo Calistri, Paolo Dalla Villa, Nicola D'Alterio , Antonio Di Luca , Alessio Di Lorenzo, Fabrizio De Massis, Nicola Ferri, Livio Giammaria , Monica Gramenzi , Marco Leonardi, Paolo Migliaccio , Giacomo Migliorati , Daniela Morelli, Daniele Natalizi , Antonio Petrini, Maria Francesca Pocai, Michele Podaliri , Luigi Possenti, Manuela Rossi, Corrado Sorgi , Antonio Sorice , Pasquale Spina, Alberto Tibaldi , Barbara Toccaceli, Antonio Tocchio , Sara Tonazzini , Luca Valbonetti , Lara Savini, Annamaria Conte, Diana Palma, Silvia D'Albenzio
P02.9 First attempt to develop risk indicators for earthquake impact assessment on animal health and welfare for the preparation of contingency plans and implementation of the Information System for the Management of non epidemic veterinary emergencies

Climate, human and environmental impact on animal health

Rachel Lowe
K03 Decision-support tools to track and predict climate-sensitive infectious diseases at cascading spatial scales
Cyril Caminade
S03 Impact of climate change on soil-borne and vector-borne diseases
Diana Erazo, Luke Grant, Guillaume Ghisbain, Giovanni Marini, Felipe J z Colón-Gonzále, William Wint, Annapaola Rizzoli, Wim Van Bortel, Chantal B.F. Vogels, Nathan D. Grubaugh, Matthias Mengel, Katja Frieler, Wim Thiery, Simon Dellicour
R03.1 Contribution of climate change to the emergence of West Nile virus in Europe
Armando Rivera, Timothy Robinson, Alessandra Falcucci, Giuseppe Tempio, Dominik Wisser, Marius Gilbert
R03.2 Reducing data collection costs through sensitivity analysis of spatial data in GLEAM
Camille Morlighem, Chibuzor Christopher Nnanatu, Corentin Visée, Catherine Linard
R03.3 Predicting socioeconomic and intervention-related factors influencing the risk of vector-borne diseases using Demographic and Health Surveys; a case study of malaria
Romolo Salini, Susanna Tora, Federico Filipponi, Sandro Pelini, Annamaria Conte, Daniela Di Silvestro, Francesco Di Filippo, Carla Giansante, Carla Ippoliti
P03.1 Evaluation of Sea Surface Temperature trend across aquaculture sites in Central Adriatic Sea
Silvio Gerardo d'Alessio, Carla Ippoliti, Matteo De Ascentis, Federica Iapaolo, Michela Quaglia, Annamaria Conte, Maria Goffredo
P03.2 Preliminary analyses of two floodwater mosquito populations and Earth Observation data (Sentinel2 spectral bands) in collection sites in Central Italy

Spatial methods in ecology and epidemiology

Francisca Powell-Romero, Konstans Wells, Nicholas Clark
R04.1 Using joint species distribution models to improve predictions of co-infection in veterinary epidemiology
Francesca Dagostin, Diana Erazo, Giovanni Marini, Daniele Da Re, Valentina Tagliapietra, Andrea Corradini, William Wint, Neil S. Alexander, Roya Olyazadeh , Henna Mäkelä, Timothée Dub, Annapaola Rizzoli
R04.2 Combining key hazard- and exposure-related drivers to model the probability of occurrence of TBE human cases in Europe
Guy McGrath
R04.3 Reducing uncertainty in spatial analysis involving fragmentated farms
Ximena Pérez-Otáñez, Richar Rodríguez-Hidalgo, Lenin Ron-Garrido , Sandra Enríquez, Sophie O. Vanwambeke
R04.4 Mapping bioclimatic suitability for cattle ticks in Ecuador
Alessandro Bellato, Aitor Garcia-Vozmediano, Annibale Biggeri, Laura Tomassone, Dolores Catelan
R04.5 Remote sensing as an additional tool for modelling spatiotemporal dynamics of questing Ixodes ricinus on Italian northwestern Alps
Fabrizio De Massis, Michela Toro, Nausica D'Aurelio, Sara Serrani, Alessandra Sferrella, Francesco Pomilio, Stefania Salucci, Stefania Centi, Luciano Ricchiuti, Lucio Marino, Franca Rossi, Addolorato Ruberto, Angela Lucia Del Riccio, Ilaria Del Matto, Alexandra Chiaverini, Silvia Scattolini, Sabrina Olivieri, Sandro Pelini, Giuseppe Aprea
P04.1 Investigation on the presence of Hepatitis E virus in different animal species populations in Abruzzo and Molise Regions during the 2015-2021 period, Italy
Alessia Milano, Sarah Houben, Guy Hendrickx, Cedric Marsboom
P04.2 Best options to apply MCDA in an environmental context
Anna Kawiecki, Amy C. Morrison, Christopher M. Barker
P04.3 Spatial and temporal analysis on the impact of ultra-low volume indoor insecticide spraying on Aedes aegypti household density
Nicola Ferrè, Grazia Manca, Paolo Mulatti, Matteo Mazzucato, Federica Sbettega, Paolo Calistri, Annamaria Conte, Alessio Di Lorenzo, Chris Compton, Supatsak Subharat, MaryJane McCool, Amy Delgado, Sonoko Kondo, Eric Cardinale, Andrea Apolloni, Romain Bouvier, Sylvain Villaudy, Facundo Martin Munoz Veira, Antonia Ricci
P04.4 The model-driven approach to zone geospatial standardisation – the GeoZone project
Giulio Marchetti, Paolo Mulatti, Eleonora Franzago, Tiziano Dorotea, Claudia Casarotto, Nicola Ferrè, Manuela Dalla Pozza, Paola Bonato, Marica Toson, Laura Bille, Alessia Cocco, Azzurra Callegaro, Loris Lunardi, Grazia Manca, Anna Toffan, Debora Dellamaria, Luigino Bortolotti, Andrea Fabris, Matteo Mazzucato
P04.5 Combining biosecurity and spatial information to support decision-making in fresh-water fish farms
Nicola Ferrè, Giorgia Riuzzi, Grazia Manca, Matteo Mazzucato, Eleonora Franzago, Annie Ishebabi, Vasco Menconi, Giorgia Angeloni, Stefania Cavallo, Paola Scaramozzino, Pasquale Rombolà, Annamaria Conte, Alessio Di Lorenzo, Susanna Tora, Walter Martelli, Saraya Tavornpanich, Jacob Zurno, Edgar Brun, Attila Tarpai, Paulette Posen, Antonia Ricci, Laura Ferroni, Giuseppe Ru, Lars Qviller
P04.6 Geographic Information System for surveillance and disease response in aquatic animal health management – The Aquae Strength project
Abdul Rehman, Shakeel Khaliq, Jörn Gethmann, Sohail Manzoor, Saqib Naveed, Furqan Awan, Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq, Beatriz Martínez-López, Franz Josef Conraths
P04.7 Spatial epidemiology and risk factor analysis of bovine brucellosis in Punjab, Pakistan: a population-based study
Martina Nocerino, Paola Pepe, Antonio Bosco, Giuseppe Cringoli, Giorgio de Alteriis, Claudia Conte, Giancarlo Rufino, Domenico Accardo, Laura Rinaldi
P04.8 Combining Geographical Information System (GIS) and innovative devices (GPS and drones) for a new strategy to monitor and control the micro-epidemiology of cystic echinococcosis in grazing areas of southern Italy
Diann Prosser, Matthew Gonnerman, Kelly Patyk, Cody Kent, John Humphreys, Jennifer Mullinax, Mary Jane McCool, Andrew Fox
P04.9 Avian Influenza at the Wild Waterfowl – Domestic Poultry Interface
Karen Gruszynski, Kimberly Kertis, Lauren Wisnieski, Matthew Kolp, Gary Vroegindewey
P04.10 Data and Other Considerations When Using GIS to Support Animal Emergency Preparedness and Response in Appalachia

Expanding boundaries of remote sensing

Shubha Sathyendranath, Trevor Platt, Nandini Menon, Anas Abdulaziz, Grinson George, Gemma Kulk, Bror Jonsson
K05 Infectious water-associated diseases: the role of the environment
Thomas Van Boeckel, Soushieta Jagadesh
S05 Mapping Global Bushmeat Activities to Improve Zoonotic Spillover Surveillance
Florent Rumiano, Victor Dufleit, Alexandre Caron, Eve Miguel, Pascal Degenne, Cédric Gaucherel, Hugo Valls-Fox, Michel de Garine-Wichatitsky, Annelise Tran
R05.1 How to integrate satellite-derived indicators into models of animal mobility?
Carla Ippoliti, Susanna Tora, Federico Filipponi, Federica Di Giacinto, Romolo Salini, Daniela Di Silvestro, Francesco Di Filippo, Annamaria Conte, Carla Giansante
R05.2 Use of Satellite Earth Observation to monitor aquaculture sites in coastal Abruzzo region, Adriatic Sea
Sebastian Napp, Lola Pailler
R05.3 How the scale of temperature measures affects the estimate of transmission of mosquito-borne diseases
Annalisa Viani, Tommaso Orusa, Maria Lucia Mandola, Serena Robetto, Manuela Belvedere, Giovanna Renna, Sonia Scala, Enrico Borgogno-Mondino, Riccardo Orusa
R05.4 Tick's suitability habitat maps and tick-host relationships in wildlife. A One Health approach based on multitemporal remote sensed data, entropy and Meta® population dataset in Aosta Valley, NW Italy

Modeling for ASF emergency

Mossa Merhi Reimert, Anette Boklund, Maya Gussmann, Matt Denwood
S06 Choice of Landscape Discretisation Affects the Rate of Spread in Wildlife Disease Models
Jun-Sik Lim, Timothée Vergne, Eutteum Kim, Claire Guinat, Simon Dellicour, Mathieu Andraud
R06.1 Examining the Impact of Fencing on the Front Wave of African Swine Fever in the Korean Wild Boar Population
Brandon Hayes, Timotheé Vergne, Nicolas Rose, Mathieu Andraud
R06.2 Elucidating African swine fever transmission cycle dynamics at the domestic-wildlife interface. Multihost epidemic modeling in Romania
Figure 1
Peerawat Chintrakulchai, Jose Pablo Gomez-Vazquez, Anuwat Wiratsudakul, Weerapong Thanopongtharm, Beatriz Martínez-López
R06.3 Spatially explicit agent-based modeling as a tool in aiding African swine fever mitigation and eradication in Thailand
Nina Matsumoto, Tariq Halasa, Michael Ward
R06.4 Spatial analysis to inform African Swine Fever spread modelling in Laos
Giorgio Galletti, Stefania Calò, Marco Tironi, Veronica Cappa, Annalisa Santi
P06.1 Production of risk maps for ASF at a local level through the analysis of relevant epidemiological data
Satoshi Ito, Jaime Bosch, Cecilia Aguilar-Vega, Hyunkyu Jeong, Jose Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno
P06.2 Improving the efficacy of surveillance in wild boars of South Korea
Jaime Bosch, Cecilia Aguilar-Vega, Benjamin Ivorra, Steven M. Goodman, Mary Louise Penrith, Ferran Jori, Rafael Reyna, Ara Monadjem, Jean-Pierre d'Huart, Michael Somers, Carlos Quembo, Rianja Rakotoarivony, Cynthia Mapendere, Dewald Kleynhans, Hélène Jourdan-Pineau, Carlos Gonzalez-Crespo, Armanda Bastos, Yvonne A. de Jong, Thomas M. Butynski, José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Beatriz Martínez-López
P6.3 Eco-Epi cartographic tool for managing ASF in Africa: mapping African wild suids distribution based on the quality of available habitat
Jose Pablo Gomez-Vazquez, Beatriz Martinez-Lopez
P06.4 Modeling the spread of ASF into the US swine industry: the example of Iowa
Cecilia Aguilar-Vega, Jaime Bosch, Marta Martínez-Avilés, Satoshi Ito, Carolina Muñoz-Pérez, José Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno
P06.5 Introduction and exposure of wild boar to African swine fever virus by contaminated pork products in Spain via seaports
Gert Jan Boender, Ed G.M. van Klink, Thomas J. Hagenaars, Jaime Bosch, Marta Martinez Aviles, Kevin Morelle, Cecilia Aguilar-Vega, Imbi Nurmoja, Arvo Viltrop, Tarmo Niine, Jose Manuel Sánchez Vizcaíno, Edvins Olsevskis
P06.6 Spatial risk maps for African Swine Fever transmission in the Latvian wild boar population

Artificial Intelligence for One Health

Elisa Ficarra
K07 Issues and challenges in fair and robust AI models
Matthew Edwards, Mark Stevenson
S07 Shade from Space: Utilizing Satellite Imagery to Assess Shade Provision on New Zealand Dairy Farms
Luca Candeloro, Carla Ippoliti, Susanna Tora, Markus Metz, Laura Amato, Romolo Salini, Valentina Zenobio, Paolo Calistri, Nicola D'Alterio, Alessandro Ripani, Annamaria Conte
R07.1 Earth Observation-based Self Organising Map for Northern Africa regions
Felipe Sanchez, Thomas Lake, Jason Galvis, Christopher Jones, Gustavo Machado
R07.2 Predicting spatially explicit swine premises using deep learning and aerial imagery to improve disease monitoring and surveillance
Angelo Porrello, Carla Ippoliti, Lorenzo Bonicelli, Federica Iapaolo, Daniela Morelli, Federica Monaco, Simone Calderara, Annamaria Conte
R07.3 Forecasting West Nile Virus Circulation through Sentinel and Landsat Imagery and Graph Neural Networks

Network analysis for transmission pathways

Rowland Kao
K08 Emergent infection disease problems under environmental land management
Jaime Bosch, Teresa Goicolea, Pablo Cisneros Araujo, María Cruz Mateo, Cecilia Aguilar-Vega, Satoshi Ito, Jose Manuel Sánchez-Vizcaíno
S08 Landscape Connectivity and travel corridors routes for predicting the spread of ASF in European wild boar
Nicolas Cardenas, Francisco P. N. Lopes, Gustavo Machado
R08.1 Multihost foot-and-mouth disease dissemination model: why using just cattle data neglects the disease spread potential and covered transmission routes
Tatiana Proboste, Damber Bista, Sahil Arora, Ricardo Soares Magalhães
R08.2 Integration of spatial and network analysis to undercover community exposure to zoonotic vector-borne diseases: the example of Ross River Virus during the COVID19 lockdown in Brisbane Australia
Giacomo Zoppi, Luca Candeloro, Lara Savini, Vittoria Colizza, Mario Giacobini
R08.3 On the interaction between bovine and bubaline trade network in epidemic spreading
Figure 1 Table 1
Sarah Alewijnse, Adam Kennerley, Rebecca Millard, Mickael Teixeira Alves
R08.4 Development and application of a network model to understand the epidemiological and economic burden of an aquaculture disease outbreak under different control strategies
Carlijn Bogaardt, Ruby Graham, Mossa Merhi Reimert, Stefan Widgren, Matt Denwood, Jessica Enright
R08.5 Movenet: a toolkit facilitating the use of livestock movement networks in veterinary public health
Cesar Herraiz, Roxana Triguero-Ocaña, Eduardo Laguna, Saúl Jiménez-Ruiz, Alfonso Peralbo-Moreno, Beatriz Martínez-López, Ignacio García-Bocanegra, María Ángeles Risalde, Joaquín Vicente, Pelayo Acevedo
P08.1 Beyond contact rate for assessing pathogen transmission: implementing a movement-driven model in exposure risk inference
Nicolas Cardenas, Felipe Sanchez, Artur Valencio, Gustavo Machado
P08.2 Analyzing the movement network of swine within and between states in the United States
Qihui Yang, Beatriz Martínez-López, Caterina Scoglio
P08.3 A novel approach to estimate the animal movement networks: illustration for the swine industry in Iowa (US) and implications for disease prevention and control using a network-based model
Olcay Caglar, Maria Luisa Danzetta
P08.4 Spatial Analysis of A Viral Agent First Time Appeared In Turkey By Geographic Information System: Cattle Noduler Exhantem (Lumpy Skin Disease-LSD)
Lara Savini, Diana Palma, Luigi Possenti, Samuel Perticara, Romolo Salini, Pierfrancesco Catarci, Giovanni Savini, Nicola D’Alterio, Annamaria Conte, Luca Candeloro
P08.5 Network Analysis and Modelling for Prevention and Control of Equine Infectious Diseases in Italy: A Data-Driven Approach
Luca Candeloro, Annamaria Conte, Elisa Mancuso, Lorenzo Serra, Daniela Morelli, Federica Monaco, Lara Savini
P08.6 The role of multi-species bird migration network in West Nile disease dynamics in Italy

Genetics and Bioinformatics

Simon Dellicour
S09 Landscape phylogeography — using viral gene sequences to compare and explain the heterogeneous spatial dynamics of virus epidemics
Ruwini Rupasinghe, Robert Mugabi, Maria J Clavijo, Rebecca C Robbins, Beatriz Martínez-López
R09.1 Development of an operational tool for genomic and phenotypic surveillance of antimicrobial resistance: applications for swine pathogens in the United States
Giulia Faustini, Michele Drigo, Maria Luisa Menandro, Daniela Pasotto, Giovanni Franzo
R09.2 Geographical isolation in an interconnected world: application of phylodynamic and phylogeographic methods for the investigation of Porcine circovirus type 4 history
Gianluigi Rossi, Barbara Shih, Nkongho F. Egbe, Paolo Motta, Florian Duchatel, Robert F. Kelly, Lucy Ndip, Melissa Sander, Vincent N. Tanya, Samantha J. Lycett, Mark B. Bronsvoort, Adrian Muwonge
R09.3 Unravelling the epidemiology of Mycobacterium bovis in North Cameroon using genomic, environmental and demographic data
Giulia Mencattelli, Andrea Silverj, Federica Iapaolo, Federica Monaco, Liana Teodori, Roberto Rosà, Giovanni Marini, Marie Henriette Dior Ndione, Moussa Moise Diagne, Oumar Faye, Annapaola Rizzoli, Giovanni Savini
R09.4 West Nile Virus in Europe: a return ticket to Africa
Cheng Zhao, Yu Wang, Ranya Mulchandani, Thomas Van Boeckel
R09.5 Antimicrobial resistance in food animals: priority drugs maps to guide global surveillance
Simon Dellicour
P09.1 What can we learn from phylogeographic analyses of SARS-CoV-2?
Alessandro De Luca, Andrea de Ruvo, Alessio Di Lorenzo, Andrea Bucciacchio, Adriano Di Pasquale
P09.2 GrapeTree integration with spatio-temporal data visualization: a holistic understanding of diseases and the transmission pathways
Hollie French, Bernal León Rodríguez, Olga Aguilar Arguedas, Guisella Chaves Guevara, Idania Chacón González, Flor Barquero, Federico Chaverri, Baltazar Cortés García, Israel Nicolas Reyes, Emilio Venegas Cureno, Edwin Ulises Nieves Garcia, Rogelio Estrada Rodriguez, Carlos Enrique Jasso Villazul, Georgina Robles Pesina, Donaldo Yah, Roxana Alvarez, Olson Palala, Vanessa Maribel Salazar, Jorge Ligorria, Diana Lucía Sevilla, Norma Acosta, Margarita Arango, Arlin Vanessa Hernandez, Wilmer Juárez, Nohemi Pineda, Leonel Pérez, Irving Monfante, Miguel Cesar, Griselda Lopez, Yvonne Imbert, Isaac Miguel, Carmen Santana, Alice Broos, Karina Maza de Barrios, Ronald Bernal Antonio Guardado, Abelardo de Gracia Scanapieco, Daniel Streicker
P09.3 Genomic surveillance and phylogeographic analysis of vampire bat rabies across Central America using FTA cards and Nanopore sequencing
Moh Alkhamis, Abrar Hussain
P09.4 The Phylodynamics of SARS-CoV-2 Delta and Omicron Variants between 2021 and 2022 in Kuwait: The Phylodynamics of SARS-CoV-2 in Kuwait

Spatio-temporal surveillance and modelling

Diletta Fornasiero, Luca Martelli, Francesco Scarton, Francesca Scolamacchia, Matteo Mazzucato, Giulio Marchetti, Isabella Monne, Calogero Terregino, Grazia Manca, Arianna Spada, Paolo Mulatti
R10.1 Disentangling the role of wild bird species in Avian Influenza transmission to poultry
Gisella SOD Silva, Jose HH Grisi-Filho, Jose Soares Ferreira Neto, Ana Carolina Schmidt, Rísia Lopes Negreiros, Beatriz Martinez-Lopez
R10.2 Estimating the coverage of slaughterhouse surveillance for bovine tuberculosis
Yangfan Liu, Lene Jung Kjær, Anette Ella Boklund, Preben Clausen, Timme Nyegaard, Michael P. Ward, Shawn Laffan, Carsten Thure Kirkeby
R10.3 Modelling transmission of Avian Influenza in wild birds using a spatiotemporal cellular automata model
Marie-Cécile Dupas, Francesco Pinotti, José Lourenço, Chaitanya Joshi, Madhvi Joshi, Marius Gilbert, Guillaume Fournié
R10.4 Spatial distribution of poultry farms using point pattern modelling: a methodology to address disease transmission risks
Bruno Valdemar Guerrero Borges, Nico Stollenwerk, Vanessa Steindorf, Luis Mateus, Rubén Blasco, Maíra Aguiar
R10.5 Assessing the risk of arbovirus outbreaks in non-endemic regions
Lene Jung Kjær, Carsten Thure Kirkeby, Anette Ella Boklund, Michael P Ward
R10.6 Surveillance data and early warning models of highly pathogenic avian influenza in East Asia, 2020-2022
Luca Candeloro, Annamaria Conte, Maria Goffredo, Lara Savini
R10.7 A raster-based compartmental model combining the host's density and movements, driven by vector suitability
Pankaj Gaonkar, Agnes Agunos, Sheryl Gow, Carolee Carson, Laura Huber
P10.1 Time trends and forecasting of antimicrobial use and minimum inhibitory concentration for Salmonella spp. in chicken production
Thomas Van Boeckel, Cheng Zhao
P10.2 Beyond mapping hotspots: using geospatial models to guide surveillance against antimicrobial resistance in animals.
Damarys de las Nieves Montano Valle, Silvio Vioel Rodríguez, María Irian Percedo Abreu, Beatriz Delgado Hernández, Pastor Alfonso Zamora
P10.3 Multicriteria geospatial analysis of the risk of avian influenza in Cuba
Amado Kent Ruiz Gil, Gregorio Alvarez-Fuentes, Osvaldo Fonseca-Rodriguez, Alberto Gomez-Buendia, Pilar Pozo, Luisa Eugenia del Socorro Hernandez-Arteaga, Gilberto Ballesteros-Rodea, Luis Perez-Portilla, Julio Alvarez
P10.4 Clusters and risk factors of bovine tuberculosis in a Mexican state
Alessandro Albieri, Mattia Calzolari, Davide Lelli, Cristiano Corona, Andrea Mosca, Alice Michelutti
P10.5 Spatial modelling of Aedes caspius (Pallas 1771) and Aedes vexans (Meigen 1830) distribution in the Po Plain (Northern Italy)
Xiao Lu, Christine Griebsch, Jacqueline Norris, Michael Ward
P10.6 Does landscape play a role in the canine leptospirosis epidemic in Sydney?
Matteo Mazzucato, Gianluca Roncalli, Diletta Fornasiero, Luca Martelli, Francesca Scolamacchia, Calogero Terregino, Grazia Manca, Lorenzo Serra, Paolo Mulatti
P10.7 Spatial dynamics of mallard ducks (Anas platyrhynchos) and their potential role in the spread of Avian Influenza in Italy
Pasquale Rombola', Paola Scaramozzino, Carla Ippoliti, Annamaria Conte, Andrea Carvelli
P10.8 A Spatial Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) approach to map the risk of Avian Influenza in Lazio and Toscana (central Italy)
Daniel Brown, Kate Harris, Rachelle Avigad, Gerardo Aquino, Richard Norman, Alison Prosser, Maria Pilar Romero, Paul Upton
P10.09 Cluster analysis of Bovine TB using multiple methods, and considerations when constructing a Composite Index
Jose Pablo Gomez-Vazquez, Maria Jose Clavijo, Rebecca Robins, Beatriz Martinez-Lopez
P10.10 Spatio-temporal patterns of Pelvic Organ Prolapse in the swine industry in the Midwest region of the United States
Roberta Brunetti, Maria Ottaiano, Veronica Del Monaco, Stefania Cavallo, Barbara degli Uberti, Loredana Baldi, Esterina De Carlo
P10.11 Incidence rates of tumors in dogs (Campania Region – 2018/2022)
Brandon H. Hayes, Sebastien Lambert, Lisa Fourtune, Mathilde Paul, Timothee Vergne
P10.12 Exploring the effects of outdoor access and farm size on highly pathogenic avian influenza virus diffusion among poultry farms in southwest France
Carlos Gonzalez Crespo, Cesar Herraiz, Brandon Munk, Leila Knoll, Alexander Heeren, Linell Hansen, Beatriz Martinez Lopez
P10.13 Using a spatially-explicit agent-based disease spread model to identify high risk areas and most cost-effective control strategies in the scenario of potential introduction of Chronic Wasting Disease in California