Examination of organs and tissues of adult sheep grazed in an area with possible intoxication with rocket fuel, Kazakhstan


  • Mynbay Umitzhanov Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute
  • Asiya K. Musaeva Kazakh Scientific Research Veterinary Institute
  • Abdikalyk A. Abishov Diavak-ABNScientific and Production Center
  • Toktar M. Zhamansarin Kazakh National Agrarian University
  • Urzhan Zh. Omarbekova Kazakh National Agrarian University
  • Sholpan Zh. Turyspayeva Kazakh National Agrarian University
  • Sarsenbek T. Siyabekov Kazakh National Agrarian University




Parenchymal organs, Lymphohistiocytic proliferative, Pneumonia, Bronchospasm, Echinococcosis


The authors have conducted experiments to study the pathoanatomical and histological pattern of organs and tissues of adult sheep affected by unsymmetric dimethylhydrazine (UDMH). This highly toxic fuel was spilled on the territory of the Karsakpay and Ulytau districts of Karaganda region, Kazakhstan, because of the fall of the rocket ‘Proton‑M’ after an unsuccessful launch from the Baikonur cosmodrome in 2007. In the experiment, the study group was consisted of 7 adult sheep that grazed in the area of possible intoxication with rocket fuel UDMH. The main objects of the study were histological preparations obtained from fixed structures. As the structures have a flat contrast and are poorly detected in the ordinary light microscope, the specially processed preparations were used. After preparing, the authors studied organs and tissues using a microscope, which allowed to reveal in detail the level of damage caused by intoxication and to establish the negative effect of UDMH on the internal organs. The group of sheep showed a high index of macroscopic signs of interstitial pneumonia (85.7 ± 14.3%), and histologically quite high index was granulomatous inflammation of liver (71.4 ± 18.4%). Kidneys also showed a high level of abnormalities.


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How to Cite

Umitzhanov, M., Musaeva, A. K., Abishov, A. A., Zhamansarin, T. M., Omarbekova, U. Z., Turyspayeva, S. Z., & Siyabekov, S. T. (2021). Examination of organs and tissues of adult sheep grazed in an area with possible intoxication with rocket fuel, Kazakhstan. Veterinaria Italiana, 57(3), 201–208. https://doi.org/10.12834/VetIt.1680.8924.3


