Field evaluation of common poultry viral vaccinesin Egypt: a need for reassessmentof the vaccine value chain
Poultry vaccine, Cold chain, Vaccine assessment, Egypt, Avian influenza, Newcastle disease, Infectious bronchitisAbstract
Egypt has a large traditional and exotic poultry sector which is challenged regularly by poultry diseases in endemic and epidemic proportions. The household poultry in particular is a source of livelihoods and employment for millions of low income citizens. Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 and Newcastle disease are the most important poultry diseases in this sector. Whereas poultry vaccines are available to reduce the incidence of disease in Egypt, their effectiveness is doubtful. We conducted a biological evaluation of selected viral vaccines of poultry in three governorates in Egypt. Fifty‑four percent of the vaccines had reduced vaccine titres and the effect of secondary vaccine distributions was associated with the observed vaccine titres. External contamination was observed in some vaccines and break in cold chain was reported. Whereas no vaccine distributor used purpose‑built vaccine refrigerator, none also had prescribed protocol for vaccine handling or kept record of vaccine. There is a need to review vaccine handling procedure, monitor of vaccine cold chain more critically and review the whole chain that support vaccine distributions in Egypt.
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