Proposal for a veterinary presidiumto support public authority in respondingto catastrophic events in the Italian context


  • Sarah Sconza Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Teramo, Loc. Piano D’Accio snc, Teramo, Italy
  • Giuseppe Paradiso Galatioto Department of Life, Health and Environmental Sciences, University of L’Aquila, Piazzale Salvatore Tommasi 1, L’Aquila, Italy
  • Nicola D'alterio Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘G. Caporale’, Campo Boario, Teramo, Italy
  • Domenico Robbe Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Teramo, Loc. Piano D’Accio snc, Teramo, Italy
  • Fulvio Marsilio Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Teramo, Loc. Piano D’Accio snc, Teramo, Italy
  • Augusto Carluccio Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Teramo, Loc. Piano D’Accio snc, Teramo, Italy



Non-epidemic emergency, Earthquake, Snowfall, Veterinary first respond


The ultimate goal of any disaster response, or a natural or a man‑made event, is to get the best outcome for the highest number of people. From a veterinary point of view, the best outcome includes either the protection of animals (conventional and unconventional pets) or the safeguarding the wholesomeness of food supplies in the “One Health” perspective. The evolution of the Italian veterinary role in disaster management has changed across the last 35 years and has grown with the awareness that animals and human beings share the same vulnerability to disasters. The University of Teramo, following its experiences in different disaster scenarios, proposes a veterinary presidium to support Public Authority in responding to catastrophic events in the Italian context, in order to rescue small, large and unconventional animals. The proposed veterinary presidium is made up of 3 skilled people certified to react to different population needs. Indeed we propose different teams to rescue small, large or non‑conventional animal, trained to work together in a stress situation and under coordination of the Civil Protection Function 2. This presidium with its 3 different skilled teams under the supervision of the advanced veterinary medical center (AVMC) and by reporting to it will provide the best competences based on the needs of the population and the authorities, in view of the “One Health” perspective.


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How to Cite

Sconza, S., Paradiso Galatioto, G., D’alterio, N., Robbe, D., Marsilio, F., & Carluccio, A. (2021). Proposal for a veterinary presidiumto support public authority in respondingto catastrophic events in the Italian context. Veterinaria Italiana, 57(1), 61–70.




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